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Both are polar. Explaining chemical polarity kind of surpasses the scope of this question.

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1d ago

Water and hydrophilic molecules share the property of being polar, meaning they have regions of positive and negative charge that allow them to interact and dissolve in water. Additionally, they are both capable of forming hydrogen bonds with water molecules, enhancing their solubility in water.

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Q: What property do water and hydrophilic molecules share?
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What does hydrophilic mean and how do you determine if a molecule is hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

Hydrophilic means that a molecule is attracted to water. To determine if a molecule is hydrophilic or hydrophobic, you can look at its chemical structure: molecules that are polar or have charged groups are usually hydrophilic, while molecules that are nonpolar are typically hydrophobic. Another way is to observe if the molecule dissolves well in water (hydrophilic) or repels water (hydrophobic).

What are molecules that are water fearing and try to stay away from water or another polar molecules?


Function of hydrophilic region?

Hydrophilic regions in molecules allow for interactions with water molecules due to their ability to attract and bind water molecules. This is important for biological molecules to dissolve in water and carry out essential functions within cells, such as facilitating interactions with other molecules or forming specific structures. Additionally, hydrophilic regions can help stabilize the overall structure of macromolecules through interactions with other hydrophilic regions or hydrophobic regions.

Is sugar hydrophilic or hydrophobic?

Hydrophilic molecules are those that dissolve in or interact with water. Hydrophilic molecules include carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, salts and metabolic molecules like glucose and amino acids. The fatty component of lipids [fats and oils], the -CH2- tail, is strictly hydrophobic.

What term describes molecules that attract water or dissolve in it because of their polar nature?


Related questions

What is the similarities of hydrophillic and hydrophobic?

it is the opposite. Hydrophobic is water hating, hydrophilic is water loving. ie, hydrophobic substances avoid water, hydrophilic are attracted

Which molecules are able to interact with water?

Molecules that are polar or have hydrogen bonding capability can interact with water. Examples include sugars, amino acids, and alcohols. Nonpolar molecules, such as oils and fats, do not interact well with water.

Is silica hydrophobic or hydrophilic?

Silica is hydrophilic, meaning it has an affinity for water and tends to absorb or attract water molecules.

Is the polar end of the phospholipid plasma membrane hydrophobic or hydrophilic?

A polar molecule is hydrophilic, which means that it will easily dissolve in water. Examples of hydrophilic molecules are sugars and salts.

Hydrophilic molecules readily associate with?

Water molecules due to their ability to form hydrogen bonds with the polar water molecules, making them soluble in water. This interaction allows hydrophilic molecules to be evenly dispersed throughout the water.

If a a molecule is hydrophollic what does it attract?

If a molecule is hydrophilic, it attracts water molecules. Hydrophilic compounds are soluble in water and can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules.

Does hydrophilic dissolve in waTER?

Yes, hydrophilic substances dissolve in water. Hydrophilic molecules are attracted to water molecules due to their polar nature, allowing them to form bonds with water and dissolve in it. This is in contrast to hydrophobic substances, which repel water and do not dissolve in it.

What is the difference between hydrophobic and hydrophilic molecules nd hydrophilic c?

Hydrophobic is when something repels water and hydrophilic is when something attracts water.

Is oxygen hydrophilic?

Oxygen itself is not hydrophilic or hydrophobic, as it is a neutral gas. However, oxygen can interact with water molecules through hydrogen bonding, making it soluble and capable of dissolving in water. This property is essential for supporting aquatic life.

What are molecules that are water fearing and try to stay away from water or another polar molecules?


What do you call the attraction for water?

molecules that attract water are hydrophilic ("water-loving")

If something is described as hydrophilic what quality does it have?

A hydrophilic substance has an affinity or the ability to interact with water molecules. This means that it can dissolve, mix with, or be wetted by water.