

Best Answer
  • conductivity, it is one of the best conductors available
  • ductility, its flexible
  • inexpensive, at least compared to silver the best conductor
  • oxide is conductive, vs. aluminum whose oxide is an insulator, meaning corrosion over time won't cause a fire
  • etc.
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Minerva Orn

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Q: What property of copper makes it a good choice for electric wiring?
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What do human beings use copper for?

Electric wiring

What element is used in electric wiring and pennies?

Copper is commonly used in electric wiring and pennies due to its excellent conductivity.

Which resource I used in electric wiring?

For wiring, we only use copper and silver. The most common conductor is copper. Almost all wires use copper as a conductor.

Does copper wire carry electric current?

Yes, copper wire is an excellent conductor of electric current due to its high electrical conductivity properties. When a voltage is applied across the wire, it allows the flow of electrons, resulting in the transmission of electric current through the wire.

3 uses for copper?

Electrical wiring: Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity, making it the preferred material for electrical wiring in buildings, power grids, and electronic devices. Plumbing: Copper pipes are durable and resistant to corrosion, making them ideal for plumbing systems in residential and commercial buildings. Roofing: Copper roofs have a long lifespan, are resistant to corrosion, and develop a unique patina over time, making them a popular choice for architectural applications.

How does copper impact on people lives?

copper is in every thing, from electrical wiring in your house to electric motors that you use in your kitchen.

List 3 typical use what conductor copper?

Electrical wiring: Copper is a popular choice for electrical wiring due to its high conductivity and resistance to corrosion. Electronics: Copper is commonly used in electronics to create conductive traces on circuit boards and in various components due to its good electrical conductivity. Construction: Copper is used in construction for various applications, such as piping and roofing, due to its durability and ability to resist corrosion.

Why is metal use for electricity?

Metal is used because metals conduct electric current. The best conductor among the metals is silver, followed by copper, then aluminium. Copper is used for electrical wiring in the house and for underground supplies, while the lightness of aluminium makes it the metal of choice for overhead power lines.

Why is copper used electrical wiring in our houses?

It is because of all the available metals copper is the best conductor for electric current. Silver is slightly better but too expensive to use.

Can headphones have copper in them?

Most do have copper in the wiring.

Why is Cooper used in wiring?

Copper has optimal electrical, mechanical and chemical properties and is relatively cheap and available. Sum of all these parameters makes the copper the best choice for using in electrical engineering.

Wiring diagram for Electric bike?

Yes you can diagram the wiring of an electric nike