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Q: What protein called p53 can keep cells from dividing To prevent cell division this process most likely stops?
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Why is it important for the cell to produce protein before dividing?

Morpholinos: more predictable, more specific and more stable than siRNA

What protein that initiates cell division?

Growth Factors.

What is the process that constructs protein?

Protein synthesis or translation.

Why is protein in the urine a sign that something could be wrong with the kidneys?

High-protein diets are damaging on the kidneys because the body must process a lot of extra nitrogen.

Does an internal regulatory protein prevent cell from entering anaphase if chromosomes have not attached to spindle fibers?

It can prevent this from happening but if it does then the regulatory protein is not working correctly

What is the small protein structure critical to cell division?

ribosomes ?

What is protein synthesis-?

Protein synthesis is the process by which proteins are made in the body.

What is the role of the nucleolus in cell division?

to divide the cell in half, resulting in the process of meiosis i dont know what a nucleolus does really but its in the middle f the nucleus so it must be important It is not involved in cell division. it disappears during beginning of cell division and reappears during telophase of cell division. Nucleolus helps in the synthesis of Ribosomes (organelles that help in protein synthesis).

How an inactive protein can be converted into active protein?

An inactive protein can be converted into an active protein through the process of proteolysis. This process happens through the hydrolysis of the peptide bond, which is aided by cellular enzymes.

What converts mrna into a protein?

RNA is not converted into protein, it codes for protein.

What process is where information is translated and protein is built?

This describes protein synthesis.

What is the process by which a protein is constructed?

Protein Synthesis :), also known as TRANSLATION.