

What proteins does a sandwich have?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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A single sandwich, if it contains meat, can contain billions of proteins.

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Q: What proteins does a sandwich have?
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How would you find the energy in a ham sandwich?

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How many grams of meat are in a sandwich?

In a typical pound of hamburger there is anywhere from 60-80 grams of protein. If you get ground chuck, then it's 80-100 as it's a leaner meat.

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most plant proteins such as legumes (beans) and grains are incomplete proteins. combining certain complementary proteins can make complete proteins such as beans and rice, mac and cheese, pita bread and hummus, peanut butter sandwich, etc. =)

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a sandwich bed is a bedmade of sandwich

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what ever you want to put on a sandwich is what is on a sandwich

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"un sandwich lacon-laitue-tomate"

How do you order a sandwich in french?

Sandwich in English = Sandwich in French

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What is a golfers favorite sandwich?

a golfer's favorite sandwich is a CLUB SANDWICH!