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The protestant doctrine of predestination is mostly attributed to John Calvin, the founder of the Reformed tradition (which includes Presbyterians today). Predestination as taught by Calvin was adopted as one of the five main precepts of Reformed theology.

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Q: What protestant leader preached about predestination?
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Which Protestant reformer preached the doctine of predestination?

Predestination is most closely associated with John Calvin. See, for example, his Institutes of the Christian Relgion

Which Protestant branch did not preach the doctrine of predestination?

The doctrine of predestination is mostly associated with Calvinism, and the rejection of Calvinist doctrines of predestination is called "Arminianism." John Wesley was the most influential leader who preached Arminian doctrines and his theology spread through the Methodist movement. So denominations with roots in the Methodist movement (anything with "Methodist" or "Wesleyan" in its name, plus some others) generally do not preach predestination.

How were Calvin's idea put into practice?

he preached predestination

What protestant reformer preached the doctrine of predestination?

John Calvin. One of the effects of Luther's Reformation, Calvin rose up and started his own sect that is most famously none for the idea of predestination.

Who was the founder of a protestant church in Switzerland that believed strongly in predestination?

It was John Calvin. I think...

Which religion first believed in predestination during the Protestant Reformation?

I think that would be Calvinism.

Who set forth protestant Monroe Doctrine tha taught predestination?

bunhlio is almighty

What is john Calvin predestination theory?

John Calvin preached about his theory of predestination. Basically, it was the idea that only certain people are going to Heaven and they have already been chosen by God. Everyone else is damned.

Do protestant churches have a single leader?

No protestant churches do not have a single leader like the pope.

What was the name of the dutch protestant theologian who opposed john calvin's belief in predestination?

Jacobus Arminius

Which religious leader made predestination a central part of his belief system?

St. Augustine originated the theory of predestination, but John Calvin (1509-1564), a French theologian active during the Protestant Reformation, was its foremost exponent. Predestination is the doctrine that God has determined on an eternal basis those whom he will save and those whom he will save, regardless of the person's faith or merit or lack thereof.

The reformer who believed in predestination was?

John Calvin, a key figure in the Protestant Reformation. He believed in the doctrine of predestination, which states that God has already determined who will be saved and who will be damned. This idea was a central tenet of Calvinism.