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Q: What provides the energy to swivel the head of myosin?
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When does the myosin head cock back to store energy for the next cycle?

After the myosin head detaches, energy from ATP hydrolysis is used to re-cock the myosin head.

Does myosin have the ability to swivel when powered by ATP?

Yes...ATP causes myosin to detach from actin. Then, Hydrolysis of ATP, which results in ADP and P, causes conformational change in myosin head to swivel or pivot about its axis and then weakly bind to an actin filament. Once the myosin head binds, a conformational change in the myosin head will cause the P to leave (the ADP is still stuck on). The leaving of the P causes the power stroke or "the pulling of the actin filament/rowing stroke". ADP then leaves and the myosin is now back at its original state.

What substances causes the myosin head to change shape?

The myosin head changes shape mid-reaction, when the energy released by hydrolysis of ATP is absorbed by the myosin head.

Flexing the head of this molecule provides what is known as the?

Power stroke

How does myosin head obtain the energy required for activation?

The energy comes from the hydrolysis of ATP

What is the crossbridge cycle?

The crossbridge cycle is the cyclical formation of links between actin and myosin. This results in the sliding of thin filaments towards the M line of a sarcomere. The myosin head undergoes conformation changes which allows it to swivel back and forth. In its low energy form, myosin has a low affinity for actin. The ATP prepares myosin for binding with actin by moving it to its high energy form position. When myosin contracts, it has a high affinity for actin.

What are the thick protein filaments in the cell made of?

The thick filament is composed of the myosin molecule. The thin filament is composed of the actin molecule. Flexing the head of myosin provides the powerstroke.

What converts the myosin head into the high-energy state?

ATP hydrolysis

What provides the energy to break the connection between actin and myosin?

ATP, of course. When the myosin head extends towards the actin thin filament it has in it's active site ADP and P +. So, when the stroke is over the ADP and P+ fall out and are replaced by ATP, which immediately metabolizes to ADP and P +.

What acts as ATPase during the contraction cycle of muscle?

myosin cross-bridges

What immediately follows the binding of ATP to the myosin head?

The myosin head pivots, moving the actin strand.

Which molecule binds to the myosin head in order to break the actin-myosin bond?