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Q: What puts nutrients back in soil?
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What feeds on dead organisms and puts nutrients back into the soil?

A decomposer

Why is compost important to the soil?

Because the manure has nutrients that the animal eat and it puts it in the soil.

How does a plant give nutrients back into the soil?

The microbial degradation of plant residues give nutrients back into the soil

How do compost and mulch prevent soil erosion?

It is by respectively amending and covering soil that compost and mulch can prevent soil erosion. Compost puts fresh, nutrient-rich humus into the soil to improve aeration, drainage, fertility, moisture, structure, and texture while mulch holds soil in place, keeps moisture and temperature at proper levels, and puts nutrients back into the soil as it wears out after about 3+ years.

Why is growing vegetables good for the earth?

it puts nutrients back into the earth

Why doesn't the soil runout of nutrients?

It does run out if nutrients are not re-supplied by returning organic matter back into the soil or adding chemical fertilizer.

How food nutrients cycle goes on and on in a forest ecosystem?

It is important in order for the ecosystem to produce more from the soil after the decomposers have gotten the nutrients back into the soil.

Which cycle is essential in returning nutrients back into the soil?

the nitrogen cycle

What GOOD or beneficial is a volcano?

Yes it does burn down forests, but it puts in minerals and nutrients into the soil making it a great place for plants to grow.

Nutrients from decomposed plants and animals go back into the?

Soil, to reproduce plants.

How do dead organisms help the earth?

When they decompose, they release nutrients back into the soil.

Why are decomposers useful in an ecosystem?

co'z it is important in returning the nutrients back to the soil.