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Let's get the story of these two clear. Pocahontas didn't have a relationship with Smith. She was taken hostage by the colonist and held for 4 years. In the 4 years she became a Christian and changed her name to Rebecca. She married John Rolfe and left for England with him. There, she had a baby boy and died. She is buried there. Smith made up the story about his relationship with her in a book several years after her death. He was a adventurer, lied, and did everything he could to make his part in Jamestown greater than it really was. His stay in Jamestown was only about 6 month before he had to go home due to burns he got from gunpowder sprinkled on him while he slept. As far as questions she might ask him why he lied about her and why was she taken hostage. Smith for his part cared little about her culture.

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Q: What question might Pocahontas and john smith asked each other to learn more about there cultures?
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A list of questions that Pocahontas and John Smith might have tried to ask each other to learn about each other's culture?

Pocahontas might have asked John Smith about his tribe and its customs, his religion and beliefs, and his family structure. John Smith might have asked Pocahontas about her tribe's traditions and rituals, their relationship with nature, and how decisions were made within the tribe. They could have also discussed food, clothing, and daily life in each other's cultures.

What did Pocahontas want to learn?


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Pocahontas was 12 years old when learned how to catch fish.

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on radcliffs ship

What else can you learn on Pocahontas?

The real history of Pocahontas is very limited, in fact it only takes up about 2 pages, so unfortunately there is very little to learn about her or her life.

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it does not help you learn about different cultures

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This is a qualitative question for which there is no answer. It is a matter of personal opinion. Such a question would better asked as a poll.

What are the best ways to learn about other cultures?

The best way to learn about other cultures is to immerse yourself in the culture. Move there, live there, learn the language(s) and experience the every day over an extended period of time. The above is true, but if you aren't financially able to do this then read everything you can on different cultures or at least one in particular you are interested in. Also choose friends of different cultures and you can learn some of their traditions and they can learn yours. Variety is everything in friendships.

Where did children on plantations learn from?

I asked you that

Why study India?

it is good to learn about other cultures and religions .......... (: