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The best way to learn about other cultures is to immerse yourself in the culture. Move there, live there, learn the language(s) and experience the every day over an extended period of time. The above is true, but if you aren't financially able to do this then read everything you can on different cultures or at least one in particular you are interested in. Also choose friends of different cultures and you can learn some of their traditions and they can learn yours. Variety is everything in friendships.

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Q: What are the best ways to learn about other cultures?
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How do you gain knowledge about technology?

One of the best ways to learn about technology is simply to use it.

How do science and technology depend upon each other?

Technology is the aftermath of the being of science. Without the science to learn about anything, how can there be ways to invent new technology.

What are suggested ways by which you can enhance your life skills?

Hi,There are lots of ways you can enhance your life skills. Here are a few ...Meet new people including those from other cultures and from other parts of town.Become a parent.Travel & explore.Keep your eyes open and observe what is going on around you.Volunteer for something.Become part of a community.Learn about Mindfulness.....Life skills are what you acquire as you go through life. You will acquire some automatically. Or you can deliberately get out there and see more and do more.

How do you drill a safe lock my digital safe has lost power and ive lost key?

Depending on the size and construction, I've found it easier to open with a 6 lb. maul/hammer and a crowbar. But if you must drill here are some ways. Get a diamond tipped drill bit, drill bit extension and learn the proper angle for drilling. There are some faster ways on the first link that accompanies this. Hire a Safe Technician to do the drilling as it's cheaper than having them open it other ways.

Are there alternate ways to learn?

There are many 'alternate' ways to learn; assuming your default is 'the current school curriculum,' which almost must be termed 'programming, by rote memorization.' Any individual learns slightly different from another, and public school lacks either the will, or the capacity to respect this fact. Many people cannot read at all, and yet display an amazing 'native' intelligence, due to a mind unfettered with letters.

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Why did Governor Phillip allow Bennelong to be captured?

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