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Q: What radioactive tracer would you use to label only the protein in an RNA virus assume the virus is composed of only a protein coat and an RNA core?
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How does radioactive tracer get into the body?

They dissolve it in a liquid and the patient drinks it

How much radioactive tracer is injected into the vein for a typical bone scan?

About 1 Mg.

Which radioactive tracer showed up in the bacteria that led Hershey and Chase to their conclusion that DNA not Protein was the genetic material?

According to my bio book, I think it's Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase, in the HERSHEY-CHASE experiment.

Nuclear medicine uses these to image organs for diagnosis and treatment?

radioactive material called a tracer

Would a substance with a one second life be effective as a radioactive tracer?

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Radioactive isotopes that can be followed through a chemical reaction or a industrial process is?


What is a radioactive tracer and give an example of how one might be used?

A radioactive tracer is a radioactive atom inserted in a compound to see what happens to it in a reaction, usually in biotechnology. For example, to find out where carbon atoms go in photosynthesis, scientists can give the plants carbon dioxide with carbon-14 instead of carbon-12 and track the progress of the carbon-14.

What is a radioactive tracer Give an example of how one might be used.?

A radioactive tracer is a radioactive atom inserted in a compound to see what happens to it in a reaction, usually in biotechnology. For example, to find out where carbon atoms go in photosynthesis, scientists can give the plants carbon dioxide with carbon-14 instead of carbon-12 and track the progress of the carbon-14.

Would a substance with a one-second half-life be effective as a radioactive tracer?

the dog ate the bacon

A tracer is a radioactive element whose pathway through the steps of a chemical reaction can be followed?

Yes a tracer is a radioactive element whose pathway through the steps of a chemical reaction can be followed. It can be used to explore the mechanism of chemical reactions by tracing the path that the radioisotope follows from reactants to products.

How dangerous is technetium?

Technetium is not really dangerous. Since doctors will often use Technetium 99 as a radioactive tracer. It may be radioactive but its decay is slow and will produce a minute amount of gamma rays.

Four uses of radioactive isotopes are?

- energy source - radiation source - tracer - fuel for nuclear reactors - explosive for nuclear bombs