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Q: What recruitment method generates the highest number of applicants for employers?
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MLB Baseball.....I'm pretty sure

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According to a web search on Google China has the largest armed force. Interstingly, Burma has the highest rate of child recruitment for the military.

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National Football League

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Aren't they a recruitment firm though?

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The production of sugar cane generates approximately $86 billion in US dollars, and is considered the highest growth domestic product in the market.

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As of now, "White Christmas" by Irving Berlin holds the record for generating the highest royalties every year. This classic holiday song continues to be widely performed and licensed, contributing to its continued success in generating royalties.

What format do most employers prefer on resumes?

Functional - It is composed of an objective (usually is changed in ever resume to meet an employer demands.), education (usaully stated in order of highest degree), job experience (usually listed by dates worked, phone numbers and employer's name.), and skills. It may also include references as well as a picture. Cation: Some companies automatically dispose of resumes with pictures to ward of discrimination charges.

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Employers seek answers to this question to determine if you know how to manage your time. The key to success is proper identification of tasks that have the highest priority.