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Q: What reflex describes any rapid automatic response involving very few neurons?
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A rapid simple automatic response that involves few neurons is?

A reflex action is a fast, automatic response to a stimulus by an effector organ i.e. a muscle.

What is the chain of events for a conscious response starting with stimulus?

It is called the response chain If u want the equation. Is: situmles-receptor -sensory neurons - CNS(central nervous system brain & spinal cords )- motor neurons - effctors - response

What is the response of an effector?

to provide a counter stimulus to neurons i hope this helped ^^

When is acetycholine released?

acetylcholine is released from presynaptic neurons in response to a nerve impulse

Which neuron have maximum saltatory conduction?

Those neurons with mylenated fibers on the axon have the fastest response.

What is the difference between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons?

Presynaptic neurons release the neurotransmitter in response to an action potential. Postsynaptic neurons receive the neurotransmitter (and can however become presynaptic to the next nerve cell, if the neurotransmitter has stimulated the cell enough).

Which sentence best describes integration in the nervous system?

Sensory receptors send signals to sensory neurons.

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You pull your hand away after touching a hot pan is this a somatic or automatic reflex?

This is an automatic reflex that occurs at the spinal cord level. It involves two neurons: one that brings "pain" information into the cord and one that carries the motor reflex out to the muscle. This is a very fast response. It would take longer to go the the brain and back. A third neuron often sends a "report" to the brain.

Describe the path a nerve impulse travels throughout your body from stimulus to response?

Brain send the message via nerve impulses involving neurons which use the neuro-transmitter AcetylcholineAcetylcholine- a neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction triggers a muscle action potential, which leads to muscle contraction

Why are motor neurons also known as efferent neurons?

efferent neurons are just another name for motor neurons, indicating that they carry impulses from the brain (CNS) to the target cell. Similarly, the term 'afferent''can be used interchangeably with sensory as it describes the action of a neuron carrying impulses from the stimulis (which could either be internal or external) to the CNS.

Distinguish between monosynptic and polysynaptic?

Monosynaptic pathways involve a single synapse between sensory and motor neurons, resulting in a direct and fast response. Polysynaptic pathways involve multiple synapses and interneurons, allowing for more complex and coordinated responses involving sensory integration and modulation before reaching the motor output.