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A reflex action.

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Q: What reflex movement does your body exhibit when your hands touches something very hot?
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Cremasteric reflexThe cremasteric reflex is the term for involuntary movement of the testes.The cremasteric reflex is the term for involuntary movement of the testes.

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it is reflex because reflex is when you do something you have no controll over

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Botulism causes no gag reflex and decreased eye movement and nausea and vomiting.

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True or false a reflex action is a movement your body does automatically?

A reflex action is a movement your body does automatically. The body moves almost immediately in response to specific stimulation.

When someone touches a hot stove the rapid automatic preprogrammed response that preserves homeostasis is provided by what?

Somatic reflex

What movement would you expect to occur during the Achilles reflex?

The Achilles reflex is also known as the ankle jerk reflex. If the Achilles tendon is tapped, the foot should jerk towards its plantar surface.

Occurs when the baby is startled by a noise or sudden movement?

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What are superficial cord reflexes?

A. abdominal reflex H. plantar reflex

What is deep reflex?

The phrase deep reflex refers to being hit in the muscle tendon by something. An example is when the doctor checks your reflex on your knee.