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The only territory that has been under the control of all three of those empires (Kush, Assyria, and Persia) at some time in their histories is EGYPT, not Sudan. Assyria was never able to penetrate beyond Upper Egypt, meaning that they never controlled Sudan.

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Western Asia and Egypt.

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Today's Sudan.

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Q: What region was ruled at different times by the Kushites Assyrians and Persians?
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It was in the middle of the Fertile Crescent - Mesopotamia-Syria, which was the subject of many invasions by expanding empires. - Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans etc etc.

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If the Kushites had imposed their own culture on Egypt they might have been able to unify Egypt, creating a superpower that would have dominated the region.

What region did the Persians rule?

From Libya across to Central Asia.

Why did the people in the region rejoice when the Assyrians empire was defeated?

The Assyrians were particularly brutal and violent to Non-Assyrian foes, so the fall of their empire was not missed.

Who defeated the Assyrians in 612 BC?

Answer 1the assyrian empire was a great empire ,one of the worlds strongest however the effort of controlling their empire became too much for them and it weakened at the same time another group of people the aryans were becoming strong in Iran . They had come from Asia India and Iran ,they were divided into two races : the medes in the west and the persians in the east . Soon After ashrubanipal died there was a revolt in babylon which was then occupied by the assyrians. The babyliaons formed an alliance with the medes who freed babylon and went to destroy ninveh ( the capital of assyria) in the battle at Carchemish in 605 BCAnswer 2The ancient Sumerian city of Assur came under Assyrian control serving as the capital of the Assyrian Kingdom. Amorites gained control over Southern Mesopotamia ending independent Sumerian rule in the region. And then Assyria was conquered by Amorites, another Semitic people. The Amorites constituted the ruling class, while the Assyrians comprised the general population, retaining their distinct identity. The reason was war.

What region did Alexander gain after victory of the Persians?

From Libya in the west to Central Asia in the east.

What region was the Persians empire on?

The Middle East, northeast Africa, central Asia and today's Pakistan.

Why did the Persians fight the battle of Salamis?

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What are the ancient civilizations of mesopotamia?

The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia were the Babylonians, Akkadians, and the Assyrians. Today the region of Mesopotamia is known as Iraq.

When Alexander the Great defeated the Persians what region did this give him control over?

The Persian Empire which stretched from Libya to Central Asia.