

What reindeer fur does?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What reindeer fur does?
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What color does reindeer fur turn?

Reindeer's brown fur turns white and gray when they migrate in fall.

How does reindeer survive where it lives?

reindeer's thick fur keeps them warm in the snow. for food, it is a battle and thats why reindeers are threatened

Are the blankets made out of reindeer fur in the ice hotel?

Yes they are sadly :'(((

Animal raised commercially for food and fur in Alaska?

Caribou and Reindeer would serve as food (the meat) and fur (the coat) in Alaska.

How does the reindeer adapt itself?

Reindeer survive by eating lichen off of dead logs and rocks. If there isn't above ground, they dig it up with their massive antlers.

Is reindeer fur thick?

Like all deer, reindeer(or caribou) grow a longer pelt in winter. Being from a bitter cold climate, their coat is longer than white tail or mule deer.

What do reindeer do on FarmVille?

They just stand around and don't really doanything but you can brush their fur and sell it for quite a lot of coins.

What is an animal raised commercially for food and fur in Alaska called?


What are the physicals characteristics or reindeer?

Reindeer are quadrupedal mammals that are native to North America, northern Europe, and Siberia. In most reindeer populations, both males and females grow antlers. Antlers typically have lower and upper points. Fur color varies considerably amongst populations and according to the season.

What is the warmest fur for a person to wear?

The warmest type of fur for a person to wear would be that of any arctic animal, such as a reindeer. this is because the fur is specialized to retain as much heat as possible, having things like hollow hairs to prevent convection and having especially closely-spaced hairs to allow for a maximum thickness of the fur, as the thicker the fur is, the better it will be at retaining heat.

What adaptations does a reindeer have?

Reindeer have a thick coat of fur to help them endure the cold climates that they live in. Also, the males have large antlers for protection and dominance.

How reindeer survive in the frigid zone?

Reindeer probably cannot survive in warm climates because all there food sources only grow in cold climates. Also, each individual hair on a reindeer's back are hollow and trap air to keep them cool. If the hair traps hot air, the reindeer will overheat. But there's always the possibility that the reindeer will adapt to the warmer climates and change there diet :D