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There is a practice of Palau named Modekngei, it is an religion that the Palauans have made up in the past. Modekngei began as a nonviolent opposition to the Japanese occupation and is an amalgamation of native and beliefs carried on in an of chants called keskes, tending to reinforce the native culture heritage. Also, Palauans were influenced by the Japanese during WWII to worship Buddhism But most of all, Catholics, Protestants, and Seventh Day Adventist took almost all of the Practices of Palau. There's Catholics schools like Palau High School, Marristella, and Midszenty! Seventh Day Adventist Elementary School and Palau Mission Academy is schools of SDA. Most Palauans are Christians, some Palauans do consider Modekngei as Christianity, however, results of debating haven't been permanent in this case.

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