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Q: What religion is a combination of Hinduism and Islamic beliefs?
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What religion belieft has the most in common with Sikhism?

Sikhism is the combination of Hinduism and Islam, combining the beliefs of Hinduism, but having the belief in one God like in Islam.

Where is Hinduism most practiced today?

Hinduism is an old religion based on the beliefs of karma and dharma. Hinduism is practiced through out India and is their dominant religion.

Is Hinduism is growing?

Hinduism is growing, if you mean the number of people born into this religion Hinduism is the third largest religion by numbers, Christianity and Islam being the first two. However, it is not growing by virtue of new beliefs, as the beliefs of the religion has been established, as it were, from the beginning of time. Every fdsaj.,m,.c

What religion grew from a mixture of Aryan beliefs and those of the harrapans?

hinduism duu

Does Sikhism combine the beliefs of Hinduism and Islam?

No, Sikhism is not part of Islam or of any other religion but it is a religion of its own. Please refer to this link if you would like to know more:

Did Hinduism start the beliefs of reincarnation?

Yes, Beliefs of reincarnationare deeply rooted in Hindu religion. But not only limited to Hinduism , Judasim, Jainism & Islam also believes in reincarnation.

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Is Hinduism the Indian religion that stresses belief in the Vedas?

Yes, Hinduism is the Indian religion that stresses belief in the Vedas. The Vedas are ancient texts considered to be sacred in Hinduism and are foundational to many Hindu beliefs and practices.

What is the religion of surianme?

Religion in Suriname is characterized by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices.Namely Hinduism, muslim, christian, & few are not Religious.

What did Hinduism derive from an early religion?

Hinduism is not actually a religion and it is a way of life. It was not founded by anybody. It is more ancient than any other religion. It took into various beliefs of the prevailing faiths in the ancient India.

What religion is the religion in India with many gods?

Hinduism is the most common religion in India

What is one of the basic beliefs of Hinduism?

All religions make up one religion. In Hinduism it iteaches that all religions combined together make Hiduism.