

What religion were the crusades between?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Christianity, Roman Catholic and Orthodox, and Islam

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Q: What religion were the crusades between?
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War of religion?

The Crusades for starters. The Crusades were a religious was between the Christians and the Muslims...with the Jews caught in the middle.

What were the negative effects that occurred during the crusades as a result of religion?

It still causes tension between Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

How many organized crusades set out from Europe between 1096 and 1291?

There were 8 crusades between 1096 and 1291.

What was the christian view of the crusades?

It was a land war, not a war about religion.

What were the crusades and why were they significant?

the crusades were a series of religion driven military campaings. go to the related links box below for the whole article.

Why were European men so eager to fight in Crusades?

because their religion promised that if they died fighting crusades then they would get entry into heaven

What is an example of when religion destabilized society in the middle ages?

any of the holy crusades

How did the crusades affect the whole world?

Spread of RELIGION and many other ideas :)

Why did the Crusades change relationships between Christains and other groups?

Why did the Crusades change relationships between Christians and other groups?

What did the Crusades do for Europe?

The Crusades increased the population of trade between Europe and the Middle East.

What is the most valid generalization about the Crusades?

The crusades increased trade between Europe and Asia.

What is the name of the wars fought between Muslims and christians for control of the holy land?

It Is Called The Crusades They're were a total of 9 crusades