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A:Although Christians probably still comprised less than half the population of the Roman Empire, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity "as taught by the bishops of Rome and Alexandria" the official religion of empire in 380 CE. In 391, he closed all the temples and made the public worship of the pagan gods punishable by death.

Against such ferocious persecution, it is natural that paganism went into rapid decline, at least in the parts of the empire most closely under Roman control. Gnostic Christianity had also been proscribed as a heresy and was already in decline by the time of Theodosius; he simply accelerated the process. His edict also meant that Arian Christianity was illegal, and could no longer be practised in the empire.

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Q: What religions began to decline once Christianity became the official state religion?
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What enabled Christianity to become so successful and pagan religious beliefs including polytheism to begin to decline?

When Christianity became the official state religion, other religions began to decline.

How did theodosius change Christianity in he empire in 380 ad?

In 380 AD, Emperor Theodosius I issued the Edict of Thessalonica, which made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire. This effectively ended the persecution of Christians and allowed them to openly practice their faith. Theodosius also enacted laws that prohibited other forms of religious worship, leading to the decline of pagan practices and the further consolidation of Christianity as the dominant religion in the empire.

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AnswerOver time, quite a few religions challenged the authority of Christianity. In pagan times, the new Roman religion called Mithraism became a real threat to the growth of Christianity. However, Mithraism began to go into decline, replaced by worship of Sol Invictus, and then Emperor Constantine gave Christianity state patronage, ensuring its eventual success.In later centuries, Islam also challenged Christianity, replacing it as the dominant religion in north Africa and the Middle East.

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Christianity did not contribute to the collapse of the empire. It contributed to a greater sense of unity and more stability. Christianity became the religion of the masses in the empire. It was declared a tolerated religion because the great persecution of Christians by Diocletian had created serious unrest. Once the state acknowledged Christianity, unrest ceased and the state regained legitimacy in the eyes of the Christian masses.

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Did religion play a role in the decline of byzantine?

No, as religion was what kept The Empire going.

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Is Christianity on a decline?

Statistically. No. While the west is facing a decline in Christianity, Asia is seeing a surge in new Christians. There is massive work being done in Asia in converting people to the Christian faith. India, Korea and China are specifically experiencing a rise in Christianity.

When did Roman mythology stop being a religion?

Christianity became the state religion of Rome in the 380s CE, and the practice of paganism was officially banned in 391. However, the ban was not uniformly enforced at first, and the ancient Roman faith survived well into the fifth century, under increasing persecution.

Is it possible for a religion to collapse?

Yes, it is possible for a religion to collapse over time due to various reasons such as internal conflicts, changing social trends, loss of followers, or the emergence of competing belief systems. History has shown that religions can evolve, decline, or disappear altogether.