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The people of Mexico are nominally Roman Catholic 89%, Protestant 6%, other 5%

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The majority of Mexicans practice Catholicism, followed by Protestantism. There are also small percentages of Mexicans who practice other religions, including indigenous beliefs such as traditional Mexican folk religion and small Jewish and Muslim communities.

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Q: What religions do Mexicans practice?
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Who do Mexicans worship?

The majority of Mexicans are Catholic and worship Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. However, there are also people in Mexico who practice indigenous religions, such as those based on the traditions of the Aztecs or Mayans, which include worshiping various gods and goddesses.

What religion practices polytheism?

Many religions practice or practiced polytheism, including the ancient Greek religion (which is still practiced today), the ancient Roman religion (mostly based on the Greek religion), and many indigenous religions.

What kinds of religiondo Haitians practice?

The majority of Haitians practice a form of Christianity, with a significant portion also practicing Vodou, an indigenous spiritual practice that combines elements of African religions, Catholicism, and French colonial influences. There are also small communities of practitioners of other religions, such as Islam and Judaism, in Haiti.

What types of religions are in Haiti?

The major religions in Haiti are Roman Catholicism and Vodou. Some Haitians also practice Protestantism, Islam, and other minority religions. Vodou is a syncretic religion that combines elements of African, Catholic, and indigenous beliefs.

What did asoka belive should bedone about religions that different fron biddhism?

Asoka believed in tolerance and coexistence of religions different from Buddhism. He promoted religious harmony and respected other faiths, encouraging his subjects to live peacefully and practice their own religions without fear of persecution.

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Who do Mexicans worship?

The majority of Mexicans are Catholic and worship Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. However, there are also people in Mexico who practice indigenous religions, such as those based on the traditions of the Aztecs or Mayans, which include worshiping various gods and goddesses.

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they are cathlic

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The majority of Germans will practice Christianity as their choice religion. Some Germans will however practice agnostic or Buddhist religions.

What are the religions in Pennsylvania now?

The religion that people practice or don't practice in a particular state or place is not important. All religions are in Pennsylvania.

What religion does Chile practice?

The religions that Chile practice are catholic and Protestant.

What practice did the Ottomans use to strengthen their state?

b. Tge practice of religions other than Islam was forbidden.

What religions do Bolivian people practice?

they are cathlic