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Q: What religious figure is important to all 3 monotheistic religions of the middle east?
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Important religious figure of Islam?

Mohammed was the founder.

Is Martin Luther a significant religious figure?

He formed the basis for all of Protestantism. One could certainly say he was an important religious figure.

What countries are monotheistic?

Regions or religions? If you mean the latter, the most famous are the Abrahamic religions, ie; those in which the Biblical figure Abraham is recognised - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Sikhism is also monotheistic, in that followers believe in one single world creator who has many names. Many religions recognise lesser deities who are subservient to a greater god - examples whuld include some forms of the Chinese Shangdi, Mohism and Tian which believe in the existence of Heaven as an omnipotent force. Mohim is perhaps the most monotheistic of the traditional Chinese religions in that it teaches that the lesser gods exist merely to carry out Heaven's will. Some forms of Hinduism are also monotheistic, for example Vaishnavism which teaches the supremacy of Vishnu or the Saivites who believe that Siva is the supreme god. Baha'i teaches that while there are countless interpretations of gods and their natures, all are manifestations of the Oneness of God. As this oneness forms one of Baha'i's core beliefs, the religion can be considered strongly monotheistic despite recognising all gods. (If you meant to write regions, the answer is all those in which followers of monotheistic religions live. Examples would be the United Kingdom, the USA and India; as all of these are home to Christians, Jews, Muslims and other followers of monotheistic religions - however, since they are also home to those who follow non-monotheistic religions such as branches of Hinduism other than those that are monotheistic such as those listed above, they are also non-monotheistic regions.)

Why can't we use muhammadan for Muslims?

It's hard to tell in what sense you mean, but Islam is a "Muhammadan" religion, as Muhammadan/Mohammedan means, as a noun, a follower of the prophet Mohammed, or as an ajective, relating to the prophet Mohammed or the religion he founded. Islam is also one of the three Abrahamic religions, that is, one of the monotheistic religions that has Abraham as an important figure within the religion. The other two are Christianity and Judaism.

What deity was Krishna the avatar of?

Krishna is a central figure in Hinduism, and is considered in some monotheistic traditions as an avatar of Vishnu.

Is god a cult figure?

No, he is a religious figure.

What characteristics is not shared by the faiths of Christianity judaism and Islam A. Abraham is an important figure in all three religions b all three are polytheistic religions C.?

It's untrue to say that they're all polytheistic.

Who was the head religious figure of the Roman Catholic?

Roman Catholic AnswerJesus Christ is the head religious figure of the Catholic Church.

Christianity important religious feast?

Easter. It is the best feast of Christianity because of the central figure of the religion "Jesus Christ" and his resurrection from the dead.

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Is Gabriel good or evil?

Gabriel is generally considered to be a positive figure in various religious texts and traditions. In Christianity, Gabriel is an archangel who often serves as a messenger of God, delivering important messages to people such as the annunciation to Mary. In Islam, Gabriel (Jibril) is also an important figure who is seen as a messenger of Allah. Therefore, Gabriel is typically associated with goodness and positive influence in religious contexts.

Why were relics important in the middle ages?

Medieval relics are often religious relics. Medieval relics could be an item that was thought to be an authentic physical remains of a religious figure, including saints, or an object they had contact with.