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Natural Selection

In a population of organisms, a selection pressure favors the individuals whose characteristics are best-fit to survive it. Gradually, more and more of these individuals will live on and reproduce, while more and more of the others will die off (natural selection). Gradually, over millions of years, the gene pool of this ancestral species will change to that of these best-fit individuals, a process called adaptation.

To clarify, here's a hypothetical example. A population of beetles living on a rocky beach is composed of gray and yellow individuals. A species of bird new to this beach (selection pressure)appears and makes its home there. Its diet consists of beetles, so it targets the beetle population for its meals. However, the only individuals it can see are the yellow ones because the gray ones blend in with the rocky ground. As a result, fewer and fewer yellow ones are able to survive, reproduce, and generate more of their own kind, and the population becomes more and more gray. This survival of best-fit individuals is natural selection. Give it a few million years, and the yellow variety will be wiped out, while the gray variety will be thriving; a change in the gene pool has occurred (adaptation).

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