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The Pilgrims were the people who made the famous 1620 voyage aboard the Mayflower and founded the Plymouth Colony. The natural resources they found in New England were fish, lumber and wild game.

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Q: What resources did the pilgrims find when they came to America?
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Who came to america to find freedom and promised land?

The pilgrims

Why did Pilgrims come to America?

People from England came to America. They were called Pilgrims. They came to America in 1620. The Pilgrims wanted freedom of religion. They wanted to choose their own church. They came on a ship they called the Mayflower. The Pilgrims lived in a place called Plymouth. The Indians (Native Americans) helped them build Why_did_Pilgrims_come_to_Americaand find food. The Native Americans (Indians) were the first people to live in America.

Why did pilgrims come to the new world?

The pilgrims came to the New World to get out from under the king's rule.

What did the pilgirms do for a living?

Pilgrims came to North America in search of gold. They did not find any gold but in order to keep the currency flow they planted tobacco.

Who were people to find North America?

the pilgrims and christopher colombus

Did the pilgrims find the Indians or did the Indians find the pilgrims?

The Pilgrims were the newcomers in the "New World". The "Indians" or native people were already here. I guess you could say the Pilgrims came here and found the "Indians" who were already here.

What group of people came to north America in 1620 to escape from religious persecution?

The Puritans were one of the groups who left England to find religious freedom in the New World. Pilgrims would also be one of those groups and there were several others.

Why did the pilgrims who lived in England and such places go on the Mayflower?

some of them came for religious reasons and some came to find more jobs and some came just to venture.

Whats one reason colonists came to America?

It depends on the word colonist. If you are talking about something like explorers it would be to find riches and earn more land. IF you are talking about something like the pilgrims it would be to have religious freedom.

What resources did early explorers find in North America?

They had found gold.

How did the pilgrims get food when they ran out?

The Indians helped the pilgrims get used to planting in the rich fertile soil when the pilgrims came to America. The Indians trusted the pilgrims and showed them a new food plant,corn. After that happened, the Indians and the pilgrims had Thanksgiving. That is when Thanksgiving Day started.

Did Thanksgiving start when Columbus found America?

Columbus did not find North America. He did find Hispaniola in 1492, but it was the Pilgrims in 1620 where the idea of Thanksgiving is to have started. This is a 128 years later.Thanksgiving is a remembrance of the Pilgrims at Plymouth giving thanks for the first harvest in the New World which was aided by local Native Americans. Pilgrims landed at Plymouth in 1620, 13 years AFTER the establishment of Jamestown, Va It was also over 120 years after Columbus fumbled into America.