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believed in the divine right of kings and some had to work hard to maintain control of their kingdoms. Few had enough wealth to keep their own army.

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They kept Law and Order and supplied their kingdoms with protection.

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Q: What responsibilities did monarchs have in the feudal system?
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What did monarchs provide their vassals in the feudal system?


What was the role of kings and queens in the feudalism system?

the monarchs during the feudal system were the feudal lords they were excepted to keep protection for their vassals

Which system has monarchs or lords that give land to nobles?

This is a feudal society that you ask about.

What is it called when monarchs or lords gave land to nobles in return for pledges of loyalty?

feudal system

What responsibilities did the pesents have in the middle ages?

To serve under the feudal system, and grow the crops ect.

What responsibilities did knights have in feudal system?

Knights lived by a strong code of behavior called chivalry.

What responsibilities the knights in the feudal system?

Knights lived by a strong code of behavior called chivalry.

What responsibilities did peasants have in the feudal system?

Peasants did not have many responsibilities in the feudal system. All they had to do was pay their tither, or 10% of their crops, to the church. Otherwise, they did not have many responsibilities. ----- Peasants who were yeoman farmers had their own holdings. They had to pay tax to their feudal lords or the king, and to be ready to serve in the army, usually as archers. Peasants who were freeman tenants had to pay rent, usually in the form of money, to their landlords. Those who were serfs had to pay rent, usually in the form of work, and had to work common fields with other serfs. They were obliged never to move away from the manors on which they lived, but in exchange for this got a place to live, jobs, and protection.

When did the feudal system take place and why?

The feudal system took place first in Ancient China, and years later was founded by Medival Europe (not from the chinese) and adopted it. It was used because it made managing the land easier for the monarchs, dividing the power among barons and lords.

What was the fuedal system and how did it start?

the Feudal system was shown as a triangle with the monarchs(kings and queens) on the top then lords, ladies, and noblesthen priests, nuns, knights, and vassals finally there was theserfs and peasants.

Which is NOT an example of Ivan IV's efforts to emulate Western monarchs?

His attempts to acquire power at the expense of local lords and nobles was an imitation of the feudal system used in the west.

What role did monarchs and lords and ladies and knights and peasants play in the Feudal system and what did they do to contribute to the system?

They were to keep an eye out for the king. The lords and ladies hired knights and gave money to the king when needed.