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There were 4 monarchies that were overthrown and replaced by democratic governments except in Russia, that became the first communits country in the world. The Hohenzollerns in Germany was replaced by the Weimar Republic; the Hapsburgs of Austro-Hungary, experienced a breakup of its empire with many new nations being created like Yugoslavia, Czecholslavakia and Albania.

Austria and Hungary suffered a large loss of its territory and became minor players in Europe from then on. The Ottoman Empire which was controlled by the Turks, was overthrown and new countries were created like Iraq. The Romanovs in Russia were overthrown in 1917 and much of the aristocracy fled to France and England, to escape from the Bolsheviks and the civil war that ensued. The end of the first world war was an end of an era. No longer would the European aristocracy have any clout anywhere in Europe.

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Q: What results world war 1 ended on several empires?
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