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Q: What rhetorical device does Gandhi use in this statement?
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Why are rhetorical devices important to writers or speakers who want to persuade?

A rhetorical device is a use of language that is intended to have an effect on its audience. Repetition, figurative language, and even rhetoricalquestions are all examples of rhetorical devices.

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he used rhetorical device

Which rhetorical device is black hawk using in this passage from his surrender speech?

Which rhetorical device does Black Hawk use in this passage? "The bullets flew like birds in the air, and whizzed by our ears like the wind through the trees in the winter."

What rhetorical device did Thomas Paine not use in the crisis?

He uses some parallelism, metonymy/synechdoche and anaphora.

What rhetorical device does Thoreau use in page 236 from his book?

This question cannot really be answered unless you specify which book of Thoreau's you are referring to, as well as the edition.

Can i use asking question to reader in an essay?

A question that is not intended to have a response is called a "rhetorical question." It's an ancient device, and an effective one, when used sparingly.

How do you use rhetorical in sentence?

"Rhetorical is a word." would be one, for a start. Individuals engage in the rhetorical process anytime they speak or produce meaning.

What does rhetorial mean?

Rhetorical language is any language or wording that conveys a meaning through its structure and form, in addition to its content. Obviously an author can tell the reader something by simply saying it, but often employing a "rhetorical device" or a grouping of words with some rhetorical effect, can emphasize meaning or alter the author's tone. For example, many authors use the common rhetorical device of simile, a comparison with "like" or "as", to aid description. The use of the simile can add depth to the author's meaning, ease to the reader's understanding, and open comparisons for the future; this contrasts the alternate, non-rhetorical method of avoiding the simile and just describing the object in itself.

Which rhetorical devices can you use when writing an essay?

1. Use facts 2. Tell a story 3. Incorporate historic quotes or events 4. Ask rhetorical questions