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Q: What rights did slaves have suring the roman republic?
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What rights did slaves have under the Roman Republic?

often people would kill themselves to avoid roman slavery.

What did slaves in ancient rome want from the leaders in the roman republic?

Slaves did not want anything for the leaders of the Roman Republic. They could not demand or expect anything. They had no rights. They were someone's property. They were just purchased assets. The most they could hope for was manumission (emancipation). Roman masters often manumitted their slaves.

What rights did slaves have during roman republic?

Slavery was an important part of Roman society. There were two types of slaves. The educated slaves who were employed as teachers, Accountants and other skilled professionals and the uneducated slaves who worked in farms, mines and homes. Slaves were considered the property of their master and had no rights under the law. Their lives were hard and they were often exposed to corporal punishment and sexual exploitation.

What rights did the slaves have during the Roman Republic?

Slavery was an important part of Roman society. There were two types of slaves. The educated slaves who were employed as teachers, accountants and other skilled professionals and the uneducated slaves who worked in farms, mines and homes. Slaves were considered the property of their master and had no rights under the law. Their lives were hard and they were often exposed to corporal punishment and sexual exploitation.

What group of people living in the roman empire had no rights?


What rights did Roman slaves have?

Roman slaves did not have many rights. They were enslaved really harshly. The only key factor was that they were allowed to breathe

Who had few rights in Rome?

All Roman citizens had equal rights. Slaves, being someone else's property, had no rights.

How did written laws protect the rights of people in the Roman republic?

Roman law was based on the principle that Roman citizens had rights. One of the Latin words for law is jus, which means rights. Roman law defined the rights and the legal protections of ctitizens

Who had right in Rome?

All Roman citizens had equal rights. Slaves, being someone else's property, had no rights.

What do you consider to be the key characteristics of the early Roman Republic?

The Roman Republic was dominated by an aristocracy. They had legal slavery and few rights were given to those without money and power.

What rights did patricians have that the pelebians did not?

The patricians (aristocrats) and plebeians(Commoners) had the same rights. Every Roman was equal before Roman law and all Roman citizens had the seem rights. In the Early Republic the patricians monopolised political power. The rich plebeians fought to obtain power-sharing and succeed in the conflict of the orders of the Early Republic.

What groups made up the general Roman society?

Roman society was divided into the patricians (the aristocracy), the equites (equestrians) who were bankers, money lenders, merchants and investors in shipping and mining, and the plebeians (the commoners). there were also slaves and freedmen