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The risks of douching during pregnancy do exist but most of the risks can be treated should they arise.

Douching upsets the normal balance of microorganisms and pH levels in the vagina and can lead to bacterial vaginosis (BV), a serious vaginal infection, and even preterm birth. It can also force air into the vagina, which can also be dangerous to the pregnancy.

In other words, make sure you add this to your discussion with your OB/GYN. He or she will want to be aware of what may have caused any of these issues if they happen to you. From here on out, be sure of no more douching until at least six weeks post partum.

As for spotting, this is considered vaginal bleeding and is actually very common in early pregnancy. Any number of things could be causing this, both the serious, and not-so-serious (usually less serious). She is probably experiencing implantation bleeding or decidual bleeding. In any case, keep your senses alive and note any strange odors, colors, passage of tissue (and if so, try to save it in a jar), and other concurrent symptoms like pains or headaches or fevers. All of these need reported to your doctor as your doctor will want to evaluate it and determine the cause. Often times, the cause can't be determined, but that just means it's probably not serious at all.

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Q: What risks are involved if you douched before you knew you were pregnant and why would you be spotting at 5 weeks?
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