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Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the USSR and Harry S Truman was the President of the US at the time the Cold War began, at the end of WW II, and both of these leaders created the national policies upon which the Cold War was based.

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Q: What role did Joseph Stalin and Harry S. Truman play in the Cold War?
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Who where the leaders in the cold war?

solviet union: joseph stalin us: truman

Who was US President at beginning of the Cold War?

Truman actually gave the command to detonate the first nuclear weapon & he was the US president in office when man left the old world (conventional) and crossed into the atomic age in 1945. When that A-Bomb went off, the cold war began...even though the Soviets didn't get their bomb until 1949 (stolen from the US via spies).

Who was the president of Russia during the Cold War?

Joseph Stalin

Who were the major political leaders for the leading countries during the cold war?

Joesph Stalin was the leader of Russia and Harry S. Truman was the leader of the U.S.A.

What politicians were involved with the Berlin blockade?

The Berlin blockade took place during the Cold War. It split the city of Berlin into two separate cities. One was under soviet rule and the other was not. The politicians involved in this were Harry S. Truman and Joseph Stalin.

Why did Harry Truman dislike Joseph Stalin?

At the end of World War Two, Poland was subjugated by the Soviet Union (Stalin). Poland had been an ally (on the winning side), never the less, it was treated by Stalin as an enemy. Stalin murdered much of the Polish military & civilian leadership and replaced them with communist puppets. Stalin was one of the most ruthless, dangerous, and murderous dictators in world history. Probably the least trustworthy person alive during Truman's Presidency.

Who was beginning the cold war?

I believe that Josef Stalin gets the credit for starting the cold war, although I am sure there are some people who believe that Harry Truman started it. It is possible to argue either case.

Who was to blame for cold war starting?

Joseph Stalin

Russia's leaders during the cold war?

Joseph Stalin

With side was Joseph Stalin on in the cold war?

He was the leader of the USSR

Who was the leader of USA in the Cold War?

The President of the U.S. during The Cold War was Truman.

Who was the leader of the US at the beginning of the cold war?

Harry Truman