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Q: What role did Lenin have on the day of the storming of the winter palace?
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What was Vladimir Lenin's role in the government?


What role did Vladimir Lenin have Russia in 1917?

Lenin was the Bolshevik leader when coditious were ideal for a takeover of the government

Who was Lenin and what was his role during the Russian Revolution?

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What is Vladimir Lenin important role during the cold war?

Lenin didn't do anything during the cold war. The Cold War started after WWII and Lenin died before that in 1924.

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Lenin was never a member of the Fascist Party. Bemito Mussolini was head of the Fascist party in Italy. Lenin was leader of the Boshevik (later renamed Communist) Party.

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Malacanang Palace is the official residence of the President of the Republic of the Philippines.

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After Lenin was returned to Russia he played a role in orchestrating the October Revolution. He returned to Russia in 1917 after the Tsar was ousted.

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Anthony Hopkins' first stage role was in 1960 in 'Have A Cigarette' at the Palace Theatre, Swansea. Hopkins first TV movie role was in 1967 'A Flea in her Ear' and his first box office movie was in 1968, 'The Lion in Winter' .

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What does Stalin's role of the 1920's suggest about the nature of power?

That he should be removed from power to Lenin

What was the role of Lenin and the Bolsheviks?

to overthrow the provisional government and hand power to the proleteriat, hence, estabish socialism.