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They killed many families and took their children. The women were rapped and the men were shot( manly in the head) They took cold showers to wash away the fear and to make them seem stronger.

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Q: What role did Russia and US play in the cold war?
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That is quite true, all of those organizations were created during the Cold War and were intended to play a role in that war.

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What were the positive impacts on Russia after the cold war?

The War was over.

What role did the middle east play in the cold war?

Everybody chose sides, during the Cold War. Egypt and Syria were Soviet allies, while Turkey, Israel, and Iran were US allies (this was, of course, before the revolution in which Iran became an anti-American theocracy). When Russia invaded Afghanistan, the US aided the mujaheddin.

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How did the evolution of infantry weapons play a role in the Cold War?

As the name implies, the Cold War involved very little shooting. Infantry weapons played no substantial role. Hot wars, such as Vietnam and Afghanistan DID employ Infantry weapons.