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Q: What role did Thomas Clarkson play in the abolition of the slave trade?
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The Quarkers, James Ramsay, Granville Sharp, Thomas Clarkson and William Wilberforce were humanitarians who contributed to end the abolition of slave trade

What is thomas clarkson known for?

Thomas Clarkson is known for his role in the British abolitionist movement, particularly his efforts in spearheading the campaign to abolish the transatlantic slave trade. He conducted research, collected evidence, and lobbied the British Parliament to end the inhumane practice. Clarkson was also a key figure in the formation of the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade.

Who tried to abolish the slave trade?

Thomas Clarkson

Who campaigned against the slave trade?

Thomas Clarkson

How did thomas clarkson abolish the slave trade?

Thomas Clarkson researched a lot about the slave trade and then also joined a campaign to stop the slave trade. Both him and William Wilberforce, who were also good friends, worked about trying to solve the troubles of the slave trade. Thomas Clarkson also painted pictures so that people can see what it was like.

Why was thomas clarkson against the slave trade?

because he did not like the way the slaves were treated

When was the abolition of the slave trade?

the slave trade was abolished in 1807.

When was Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade created?

The Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade was created in May 1787 by a group of British abolitionists.

Did Martin Luther King stop slave trade?

He didn't really abolish the slave trade as it was stopped in Nelson Mandala's year. but the Slave trade was partly stopped by him.I think you two are mixing up Civil Rights and Apartheid with slavery William Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson had a lot to do with the abolition of slaveryhe didn't completely stop the slave trade he made it much easyer for black people to walk around and not get treated badly

Was Thomas clarkson successful?

He was very successful he abolished slave trade and he gave freedom to all the slave.HOPE YOU LIKE MY ANSWER

Who was involved in the abolition of the slave trade?

non slave groups such as the the society for the abolition of the slave trade, and the Quakers. slaves who did revolts and rebellions ex slaves who exposed how terrible life was as a slave MPs the British government because they were no longer benifitting from the slavee trade since it did not save them money and demand for slave trade fell so the slave trade became a pointless waste of time.

When did abolition movements begin in Boston?

1787 when a group of Quakers formed the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.