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Q: What role did the Aztecs believe Huzilopochtli played in finding a new home for them?
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What role did the Aztecs believe Huitzilopitchli played in finding a new home?

The Aztecs believed that Huitzilopochtli, their god of sun and war, guided them to find their new home in the Valley of Mexico. They believed that he directed them to settle in the place where they would see an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus devouring a snake, as seen in their founding myth.

What is Aztecs entertainment?

The Aztecs played a ball game

What game did the Aztecs played?

Ullamaliztl, Patoll, Totologue

What do the Aztecs do in their spare time?

i think they played games and when i warriors were not good enough they would cut their hearts out.

What best describes the role that horses played in the conquer of the Aztecs?

horses were large and powerful and the aztecs were terrified of them

What toys and games did the Aztecs have?

The Aztecs used wheels in children's toys such as small wheeled dogs made of pottery or occasionally obsidian.Some of the sports and games the Aztecs played were Tlachtli, Patolli, Ullamaliztli, or Totoloque.

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They played patoli board game

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The Aztecs

What was an ancient Aztec game that was played with a ball and hoop?

Ulama. it is a game the Aztecs played about 3,000 years ago.

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Harrison Houde has: Played Alex in "Untold Stories of the ER" in 2004. Played Darren Walsh in "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" in 2010. Played Himself - Host in "Finding Stuff Out" in 2012. Played Host (Harrison) in "Finding Stuff Out" in 2012. Played Harrison (Host) in "Finding Stuff Out" in 2012. Played Host in "Finding Stuff Out" in 2012. Played Bowie in "Some Assembly Required" in 2014.