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Q: What role did the assassination and the ultimatum play in the outbreak of the war 1?
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What role did the assassination and the ultimatum play in the outbreak of the war?

It was the main cause

What role did the assassination play in the outbreak of the war?

It was the main cause

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Austria issued Serbia a 10-part ultimatum in response to the role of Serbian and Slavic nationalists in the assassination of the Austrian archduke.

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The assassination of Franz Ferdinand sped up developments because Austria then threatened to invade Serbia as punishment, and then Russia thought it should defend Serbia.

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I have researched your question and cannot find any specific information on this topic. There does not seem to be any correlation between Shanghai hotels and a 2007 SARS outbreak.

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The Serbian government provided the weapons that the Black Hand used to attempt to assassinate Ferdinand/the gun that Princip used to kill Ferdinand.

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