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It allowed for the states to decided on their own whether or not to become slave states or free states.

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Q: What role did the concept of popular sovereignty play in the final version of the kansas-nebraska?
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The issue of slavery in the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska would be decided by what?

By local vote (optimistically termed 'Popular Sovereignty'). This backfired - terrorists from both sides invaded the state of Kansas to intimidate voters and declare all results to be rigged. It was like a miniature version of the forthcoming Civil War. It seemed to demonstrate that civil war was inevitable.

Where did White Christmas originate?

The song White Christmas originated in the United States. The song was written by Irving Berlin and became popular when Bing Crosby release a version of it in 1941.

Why did Muslims conquer Persia Syria Damascus Jerusalem and Egypt?

They could and they perceived that doing this was their duty as pious Muslims.Historically, there was the "Right to Conquest" which was a pervasive idea in political thought. The idea was that it was natural for any country or state to grow and control more territory as it grew stronger. This allowed weaker states to dissolve in place of ones that were better run, a bureaucratic version of "survival of the fittest". The "Right to Conquest" prevailed as the dominant theory of nation-building until the mid-1800s when people started bringing up the concept of self-sovereignty and ethnic nationalism, which held the idea that people should govern themselves even if they are not the most powerful in the world. This view of state sovereignty has become dominant today and the Right to Conquest is seen as incorrect.Since the Caliphates existed well within the Right to Conquest Period, the Caliphs did not have to assert a reason to conquer neighboring territories in Southwest Asia. It was their natural prerogative.

Paul revere and the raiders released a song call ACTION. what other artist in the 60's sang this song?

Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon His version was the one used on the popular tv show "Where the Action Is."

Why did Homer do what he did?

We have no accurate knowledge of whether he was an actual person or just a construct to give a name to a popular version of the songs sung by hundreds of bards who went around the towns and cities of Greece providing entertainment in the pre-TV and movies days three thousand years ago.If he actually existed he was one of those professional troubadours making a living. And the version of the old tales of heroes which they peddled was the most popular and was written down in an era when cursive writing was just invented.

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