

What role did the mandate have in the Middle East?

Updated: 11/10/2021
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7y ago

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France and Great Britain took control of much of the Middle East.

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Issac Crist

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Q: What role did the mandate have in the Middle East?
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What role did the mandate system have in the Middle East?

France and Great Britain took control of much of the Middle East.

What country was a French mandate in the Middle East?

Lebanon and Syria have resulted from the French Mandate in the Middle East.

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What were the main powers of the middle east mandate system?

Britain and France were the main powers of the Middle East Mandate System, with the territories coming from areas formerly under Ottoman Control (prior to World War I).

How did the mandate system affect former Ottoman territory in the Middle East?

Territory was occupied by Britain and France

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The Middle East has no corollary to the East Asian idea of "Mandate of Heaven". There are governments in the Middle East that are ruled according to religious precepts by clerics and are therefore called Theocracies, but theocracy is not unique to the Middle East. Much of Medieval Europe and Africa was theocratic.

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Arabs and Jews are in conflict over the territory of the former British Mandate of Palestine in the Middle East.

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Religion played a very negative role in the middle east. It was the main source of conflicts since Christians and Muslims despised each other.

What happened to Ottoman territory in the Middle East after World War 1?

It was divided between Britain and France through the mandate system.

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they dont have much of a role, they belong in the kitchen

How did French get to the Middle East?

After World War I, the French received a colonial mandate over Greater Syria, which became the countries of Syria and Lebanon.

What was Britain's rule in Iraq and Palestine?

The British ruled the regions would become Iraq, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine as Mandates. From 1919-1921 the only two British Mandates in the Middle East were those of Iraq and Palestine. In 1922, the Mandate of Palestine was divided into the Mandate of Palestine and the Mandate of Transjordan.