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Creatine occurs naturally in the body and is an amino acid. Studies on the effect of creatine on the acquisition of lean muscle mass give mixed results though and the general consensus is that creatine can sometimes help with this, but not always.

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Q: What role does creatine play in the develpoment of lean muscle mass?
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What is creatine ethyl ester used for?

Creatine Ethyl Ester(CEE) is used to gain lean body mass and muscle strength. You will also have better athletic performance when taking CEE. You can also improve your phsique with CEE.

What is a creatine monohydrate?

Creatine monohydrate is a supplement used by many athletes. It is used to increase strength, energy and lean muscle mass. Creatine is natural and found in many animals that you are able to eat, although it is a very small amount. A good source of information for Creatine monohydrate can be found at

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Is creatine a good supplement to gain weight and muscle mass?

Yes, in fact, this is basically the main thing that helps you gain muscle mass.

What claims does this company make for creatine?

Creatine claims to give you more energy and muscle stamina. It also claims to increase your muscle mass. It also claims to minimize fatigue.

What is lean muscle mass?

an extra adjective that's not needed to describe muscle mass. Muscle mass is the amount of muscle in ones body as a % of their total weight.

Can i get muscle mass with low weights?

Yes you can built up lean muscle mass with low weights.

Which burns more fat a lean muscle or bulk muscle?

Answer There's no such thing. Muscle is muscle. There are no "lean" muscles or "bulky"muscles. Some people have a greater muscle mass, some have less muscle mass- but that mass is muscle. A pound of muscle is going to require energy to stay around. If you have a greater muscle mass, you'll have a greater metabolism. He's right you know. This is really splitting hairs!

What is lean body mass?

Your lean body mass consists of everything that is notfat:Muscle and organ tissue (but not fat tissue)BonesWater, blood and other body fluids

Is creatine monohydrate a steroid?

No. Creatine consists of three amino acids - Arginine, Glycine, and Methionine. If it did contain anabolic steroids you can rest assured the FDA would ban its distribution and sales.

Does creatine contain any nutritional value?

Yes. Creatine is composed of amino acids and provides nourishment for muscles, especially skeletal muscles. Although it is not necessary to consume creatine because the human body naturally creates it, it is beneficial to obtain it from food. Creatine supplements have been administered to prevent muscle atrophy in vegetarians, generate muscle mass in atheles, and restore strength in individuals with various diseases.

What is the difference between creatinine and creatine?

Creatinine is a waste product produced by muscles from the breakdown of creatine, while creatine is a molecule involved in storing and providing energy for muscle contractions. Creatinine is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and excreted in urine, so it is used as a marker for kidney function. Creatine, on the other hand, is commonly used as a dietary supplement to enhance athletic performance.