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Q: What role does the athlete's cardiovascular fitness play in lactic acid buildup?
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What does a buildup of lactic acid do to the pH of muscle cells?

You think probable to lactic acidosis.

Why do muscles get tired during anaerobic respiration?

When muscle cells undergo anaerobic respiration they become fatigued and painful due to the buildup of pyruvate in cells. The pyruvate is converted to lactic acid.

Why does lactic acid level reduce after exercise?

When exercising, lactic acid builds up AFTER the stored glycogen in your muscles are used up. It builds up in your muscles. It is what makes your muscles burn. Its buildup is what makes your muscles tire and give out. Lactic acid is actually a fuel, not a caustic waste product. Muscles make it deliberately, producing it from glucose, and they burn it to obtain energy. The reason trained athletes can perform so hard and so long is because their intense training causes their muscles to adapt so they more readily and efficiently absorb lactic acid. If you're a new exerciser, chances are you will be very sore after your first workouts, but will build up a tolerance to it. This means you're getting stronger!

What reactants do lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation have in common?

Both occur anaerobically, or with exercise, but lactic acid occurs in muscles (you know that burning sensation after muscle fatigue? It's from lactic acid buildup in muscles) and alcoholic fermentation occurs by yeast. So basically, the main thing that they have in common is just that they occur anaerobically.

What is lactic acidemia?

Lactic acidemia is the presence in excess of lactic acid in blood.

Related questions

What are the 2 basic component of fitness?

aerobic - uses oxygen to produce energyanaeorbic - does not include oxygen, and produces lactic acidThe 2 components of physical fitness essential for complete fitness include Cardiovascular fitness(endurance) and body composition.

When muscles are overworked sorness is caused by a buildup of?

It is caused by a buildup of lactic acid due to fermentation in the muscles. This is what is described as "the burn" when exercising.

What does a buildup of lactic acid do to the pH of muscle cells?

You think probable to lactic acidosis.

Lactic acid buildup during respiration is the result of?


What muscles are overworked soreness is caused by a buildup of what?

when soreness occurs, it is because of a build-up of lactic acids.

Is lactic acid bad for us?

Lactic acid is naturally produced by our muscles during exercise and metabolism. In small amounts, it is not harmful and is actually used by the body for energy production. However, an accumulation of lactic acid can contribute to muscle fatigue and soreness. It is important to maintain a balance in lactic acid production through proper hydration and muscle recovery techniques.

What are the two major composnents of physical fitness?

aerobic - uses oxygen to produce energyanaeorbic - does not include oxygen, and produces lactic acidThe 2 components of physical fitness essential for complete fitness include Cardiovascular fitness(endurance) and body composition.

Why do athletes experience muscular fatigue less quickly than non athletes?

Athletes produce less lactic acid than non-athletes.

What relationship exists between lactic acid and exercise?

Exercise induces the lack of oxygen that causes the waste buildup known as lactic acid.

What food helps break down lactic acid?

Bananas is a food that helps break down lactic acid in muscles. The potassium in the banana will help limit the buildup of lactic acid.

What causes the muscle sorness during exercise?

A buildup in lactic acid is the culprit. This buildup only occurs when anaerobic exercise, such as sprinting and weight lifting, is performed.

Why do muscles fell sore after you have used them intensely?

It may be due to the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles