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Q: What roles coal better automatic or manual?
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Is cols diet better then cola?

Is cols better than cola? did you mean: coal?did you mean: coal?i wouldn't recomend eating coal on a diet. And coal is not better than coal. Sorry. Coca-Cola isn't as good as Dr.Pepper

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charcole is better

Which resource's played crucial roles in industrialization?

The resources that played the most crucial roles in industrialization were steel and iron. Oil and coal also were important.

Is burning oil better than coal?

Yes burning oil is better than coal. its because coal produces more carbon than oil

Is coal better than fossil fuels?

Coal IS a fossil fuel

Which is the finest quality coal?

The finest quality coal is called the bituminous coal, it is finer than the lignite coal.

What are the roles of geology in society?

Geology plays various roles in society. For example, geology allows us to extract minerals and fossil fuels such as coal and aluminum.

What are some better ways to mine coal?

You can blow the top of mountains to find coal this is not really a better way though ):

Is it better to burn coal or wood?

coal because it does make any smoke

In mining What is a duckbill shaker conveyor?

Automatic coal loading machine, used transported coal from one area to the next without having to manually haul it.

How is compaction important in the formation of coal?

because the more compaction, the better and more potent coal so, the more compacted the better

Is solar power better than coal?

If this is a question of green energy, then yes, solar power is better than coal because it is a renewable source. Coal is a fossil fuel that is non-renewable.