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they all made democracy

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They all made a democracy

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Q: What roles did Draco, Solon, and Peisistratus play in the history of Greek government?
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What roles did Draco Solon and Peisistratus play in history of greek government?

They all made a democracy

What roles did Dracosolon and Peisistratus play in the history of Greek government?

They all made democracy.

What roles did Draco solon and peisistraus play in history of Greek government?

Draco produced a code of law, Cleisthenes introduced limited democracy, Pericles brought in radical democracy.

Where did Draco the dragon name come from?

draco comes from the greek word dragon

What does the greek word Draco mean?

Draco comes from a Latin word meaning dragon.

What is Draco?

Draco is a constellation located in the northern sky. The name Draco means "dragon" in Latin. The constellation originated in Greek mythology.

Where did Draco the constellation get its name?

The Greek Gods

Where did the name dragon come from?

draco comes from the greek word dragon

Which constellation is represented as the dragon set to guard the golden apples of the Garden of Hesperides?

The constellation 'Draco'. 'Draco' in Latin means 'dragon'. In Greek myths, 'Draco' would have represented the dragon Ladon that guarded the garden of the Hesperides and the golden apples.

What constellations are by Draco?

Actually, yes. Draco means dragon in greek, and continuing the black family tradition, narcissa malfoy named her son after a contellation

Who elected high ranking government administrators and generals?

According to Ancient Greek history, the Athens.

Which two Greek tyrants worked to create reforms that helped the people?

Solon and Draco