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Q: What roles do leaders play in genocide?
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young turk leaders

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Who are some of the ultimate genocide leaders?

Obivously, Hitler who caused probably the most well known genocide in all of history.

Why did world leaders ignore hitler's genocide against the jews during the war-?

World leaders ignored Hitler's genocide against the Jews during the war because of the position of Pope Pius XII.

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bob :)

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5 roles of leaders in the nation building

Was anything done to punish the ones to blame for the Armenian genocide?

Two Turkish leaders were assainated after the Genocide but Turkey hasn't done anything not even accepted the fact that it was Genocide. Nothing has been done to punsih Turkey.

How did the aggressors of the Bosnian genocide feel about their roles?

Good. They knew that God was on their side. (Otherwise why would they act like that?)

What roles do congressional leaders play and what is their relation to political parties?

Congressional leaders, such as the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader in the Senate, play crucial roles in shaping and executing the legislative agenda of their respective chambers. They determine the priorities and schedule for legislative action, liaise with the President and executive branch, and coordinate party members' votes. Congressional leaders are typically members of political parties and work closely with their party members to advance party goals and ensure party discipline in voting.

What are the Impact of conflict on the roles of leaders?

conflict impact on the role of the leader

What role do religion and race play in genocide?

Does your religion teach you that people from other cultures are evil? That attitude is the root of genocide.

Who did Rwanda target?

The Rwandan genocide was carried out by the Hutu's. They targeted moderate Hutu leaders and the entire Tutsi population.