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the Middle Passsage.

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Q: What route was often taken by the slave ships in colonial times?
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Related questions

How often were slaves fed on the slave ships?

about twice a day

What is the term used for the route used by slave ships traveling from Africa to America?

The Middle Passage.

On slave ships how often were slaves danced?

i dunno but all i know is that they were danced so that the slave ship owners were able to clear out the ships but im unaware of how many times or how often this happened.

What did slave ships look like?

the slave ships were wooden and they smellt horrible and the ships are really dirty.

What determined the slave status of a newborn in colonial times?

A baby born to a slave was automatically a slave. They were often sold away from mom as young as 3-4 years old.

What ways did the African slave system differ from the colonial slave system?

The African slave system typically involved slaves being integrated into society and having the potential to gain social mobility, while the colonial slave system focused on dehumanizing slaves and perpetuating generational enslavement. Additionally, the African slave system often relied on war captives or debtors, whereas the colonial slave system relied heavily on transatlantic slave trade.

How many seamen where on slave ships?

There were at least 130 sea men on slave ships.

Where did the slaves sleep on slave ships?

In the hold of the ship, crammed next to each other. Often in chains.

What did they do with the slaves from the slave ships when they lsnded and how did they sell the slaves?

When slave ships landed, the slaves were taken to the slave market where they were auctioned.

What is the name of the slave trade route?

The slave trade route was named the middle passage.

Did slaves walk around on the slave ships?

Slaves were manacled and packed tightly into the holds of the slave ships.

What was the route most slaves traveled to come to America?

It was called the Middle Passage and part of the triangular trade route. They were onboard ships for at least 3 months before arriving at places like the Charleston slave market.