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This rule doesn't exist; you think probable to octet rule.

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Q: What rule states that to be stable atoms need 2 valence electrons?
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How many valence electrons do stable atoms have?

A stable atom has 8 electrons in its outer most valence shell. A simple way to remember this is that all atoms want to be like the noble gases which all have 8 electrons (except helium but the reason is complicated and not necessary here)

What happen to carbon atoms valence electrons when it bonds with other atoms?

Atoms gain lose or share valence electrons in a way that makes the atoms more stable

How do atoms get stable outer energy level?

They share their valence electrons

Is sulfur outer most shell stable?

No, sulfur has only 6 valence electrons. Atoms with 8 valence electrons are most stable and generally chemically inert.

Valence electrons found where?

Valence electron are found in the outer shell of an atom. Depending on the number of valence electrons, the atom is more or less stable: fewer => less stable and more => more stable (inert). Stable = less likely to react with other atoms.

Most atoms need eight valence electrons to be stable is called what?

Octet Rule!

Why do atoms want to combine?

Atoms combine in order to become stable, which for most atoms means having 8 valence electrons.

Why do valence electrons determine the reactivity of an atom?

The valence electrons are the outermost electrons. In an atom, its lower energy levels have been filled and are therefore stable. But, except for the noble gases, the valence energy level is not filled, and therefore not stable. So atoms must undergo chemical reactions in order to fill their valence shells and become stable. They can do this by sharing electrons, transferring electrons, or by forming a sea of electrons shared by all the atoms.

Unlike sodium and chloride some atoms the ions become stable by sharing what?

valence electrons

All atoms become stable when they have how many valence electrons?

Only when their outer shell is saturated>>>>>>>>>>>>

What rule says atoms need to have 8 valence electrons?

All atoms want to have their outer energy levels full. When they have eight valence electrons they are full. They will become full by combining with other elements that the they may encounter until they see eight. You also could say until they have eight valence electrons.

In a covalent bond can atoms become chemically stable by sharing their valence electrons?

Yes, a covalent bond involve sharing of electrons between two atoms.