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Q: What s the morphology of bacillus cereus in egative stain?
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A Bacillus (Gram +) produces an endospore. It is called Bacillus. anthracis and causes the disease anthrax.

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How would you describe the morphology and arrangement of the cells in your capsule stain preparations?

Bacterial cells typically have one of three shapes: spherical (coccus), oblong (bacillus), or curved (spirillum of vibrio). Depending on the plane of binary fission, cells form chains, clusters with various geometry, or single cells.

What is a bacillus that stains red with gram stain called a. gpc b. GNC c. gpr d. gnr?


What is the value of simple stain?

A simple stain like iodine can make cell parts show up that would otherwise be nearly invisible since they are colorless.A simple stain like iodine will reveal a cell's morphology.

What color is simple staining on a bacillus and coccus using methylene blue stain?

Methylene blue stains everything blue.

What describes the correct cellular morphology and gram reaction for staphylococcus aureus?

The cell morphology of Staphylococcus aureus is spherical in appearance. Spherical bacterium are known as coccus and appear as tetrads (4) or more in groups. They stain Gram +.

Can Methylene blue used to stain bacteria?

Yes because Methylene Blue is a symple stain which allows the staining of Cocci. The only thing that is done with the stain is to show the morphology of the bacteria, so one could tell the shape, size, and, arrangement.

What is the bacteria mophology for bacillus subtilis by simple stain?

B. subtilis is indeed a Gram positive rod.However, there is confusion as to whether it is an obligate aerobe or a facultative anaerobe. Although classed as an obligate aerobe, it has been shown to grow under strict anaerobic conditions.

When gram stain performed incubated for a longer period of time examination of the stain B cereus slides revealed a great deal of color variability ranging from an intense blue to shades of pink?

Longer incubation of gram-stained slides causes some gram positive bacteria to become gram negative.

What does a simple stain of bacillus megaterium look like under a microscope?

Simple or gram? Simple uses methylene blue, gram uses crystal violet

Assume you stain Bacillus by applying malachite green with heat and then counterstaining with safranin Through the microscope the green structures are?

The malachite green penetrates the endospores, the counterstain of safranin will stain the vegetative cells. Endospores - greenish-blue Vegetative Cells - Red/Pink