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Soma is the brand name for a muscle relaxant called carisoprodol but other drugs may be called soma as a slang name. Federally Soma is not scheduled its just a regular prescription drug (like penicillin or Birth Control). Florida recently declared it schedule IV (four) which is the second lowest (second least amount of punishment) schedule for drugs. Most benzodiazepines (like diazepam aka Valium) are schedule IV.

The class of drug is muscle relaxant or centrally-acting skeletal muscle relaxant. It can also be considered a sedative-hypnotic (makes you tired, relaxed).

One of its metabolites, mebprobamate is an anxiolytic sedative-hypnotic that is also C IV. It can cause abuse and dependence (addiction).


Soma is being fast-tracked to be added to the list of controlled substances DEA Schedule IV.

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