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There isn't anything "scientific" about this simple series circuit. If you've got a variable resistor (a potentiometer) and a diode in series, you have a simple series circuit with the two components in it.

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Q: What scientific term is used to describe the arrangement of a variable resistor and the diode which connect in a series circuit?
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What is the function of rheostat in this experiment?

A rheostat is the name given to a variable resistor when it is used to control current. When a variable resistor is used to control voltage, we call it a potentiometer.A rheostat is connected in series with a load, and two of its three terminals are used. A potentiometer is connected in parallel with the supply, and each of its three terminals are used.So the terms 'rheostat' and 'potentiometer' are the names given to describe the function of a variable resistor, not the variable resistor itself.

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If you have a light switch where you can brightener it or dim it that is a VARIABLE RESISTOR.

Does a variable resistor have a bias?

A variable resistor means that the resistance can be varied, usually by using a slide. A fixed resistor can not be varied.

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yes, a variable resistor

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Variable resistor is an resistor that can change its resistance manually, by rotating a handle or a screw.

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The volume knob on an audio device (radio, TV) is an example of a variable resistor. A variable resistor is also known as a potentiometer.

What is variable resistance?

The volume knob on an audio device (radio, TV) is an example of a variable resistor. A variable resistor is also known as a potentiometer.

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