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I believe it is Pavlov


Close, but Pavlov is better associated with classical conditioning while I believe B.F. Skinner is most associated with operant conditioning.

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Q: What scientist is most associated with operant conditioning?
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What is the name of The psychologist most closely associated with the study of operant conditioning?

B.F. Skinner is the psychologist most closely associated with the study of operant conditioning. He conducted experiments with animals and developed the principles of reinforcement and punishment that are central to this theory.

Which pychologist is associted with operant conditioning?

A couple of Psychologists are associated with operant conditioning. The most significant one was Skinner. He did experiments with pigeons and cats where the animals would learn to open a latch or press a button in order to get rewarded. He developed the "skinner box" in order to perform such experiments.

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One advantage of using operant conditioning in treating undesirable behaviors is that it allows for behavior modification through reinforcement or punishment. This can help individuals learn new behaviors and adapt their actions to achieve desired outcomes. Additionally, operant conditioning focuses on the consequences of behavior, which can be effective in changing behaviors over time.

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Yes, potty training can be considered a form of operant conditioning. It involves reinforcing desired behaviors (such as using the toilet) and extinguishing unwanted behaviors (like having accidents) through positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and other operant conditioning principles.

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Charles Robert Darwin. Do not forget Alfred Russel Wallace.

What are the main ideas of B F Skinner?

B.F. Skinner was a behaviorist psychologist known for his work on operant conditioning. He believed that behavior is shaped by its consequences, and that positive reinforcement is the most effective way to modify behavior. Skinner also emphasized the importance of studying observable behaviors rather than focusing on internal mental processes.

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The operant conditioning approach commonly used to teach someone how to use a bow and arrow is called shaping. Shaping involves reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior, breaking down the skill into smaller steps and rewarding each step as the individual progresses toward the final behavior of accurately using the bow and arrow.

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