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Operant conditioning, popularized in psychology by B. F. Skinner, differs from classical Pavlovian conditioning by rewarding certain behavior intermittently. Skinner found that while Pavlov rewarded desired behavior every time, intermettent reward actually generated conditioning that appeared sooner and decayed more slowly than the every time approach. Skinner, a behaviorist, was interested only in the behavior itself and didn't believe there was anything more complex behind these differences. His findings, however, have been used in a variety of settings like the gambling casino slot machine process of generating intermittent small wins to keep the player involved.

I doubt that one could create teaching approach to something like Archery based on operant conditioning. However, shaping might also be somewhat low level for human archery given a person's ability to mentally construct successful performance and shape his own behavior without external rewards provided by a handler. Behaviorists like Skinner didn't believe that differences between animals and humans existed and would thus probably use shaping, but most researchers accept that humans have higher processes that allows them to learn without conditioning (although we are susceptible to these low level approaches in certain settings.)

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3d ago

The operant conditioning approach commonly used to teach someone how to use a bow and arrow is called shaping. Shaping involves reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior, breaking down the skill into smaller steps and rewarding each step as the individual progresses toward the final behavior of accurately using the bow and arrow.

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Continue Learning about Educational Theory

Would the operant conditioning from A Clockwork Orange work?

The aversion therapy depicted in "A Clockwork Orange" is extreme and unethical. It involves using classical conditioning to associate negative experiences with certain behaviors. In reality, such methods are not effective or ethical in behavior modification and are prohibited in most contemporary psychological practice.

Suppose you had the opportunity to teach something you know to someone else. What would you choose to teach them?

I would choose to teach them basic coding skills because it is a valuable and in-demand skill that can open up many opportunities in various industries. Learning how to code can also help enhance problem-solving abilities and logical thinking.

How can you tutor someone effectively?

To tutor someone effectively, it's important to build rapport and create a positive learning environment. Tailor your approach to the individual's learning style and pace, provide clear explanations, offer constructive feedback, and encourage active participation and practice. Regular communication and goal setting can also help track progress and make the tutoring sessions more productive.

How should you answer if you are asked to cite a time you were not pleased with your performance and what did you do?

I would honestly acknowledge a specific instance where I wasn't pleased with my performance, explain what went wrong, and describe the steps I took to improve it, such as seeking feedback, additional training, or implementing a new approach. This demonstrates accountability, self-awareness, and a proactive attitude towards addressing shortcomings.

What is a response contingent reinforcement?

Response contingent reinforcement is a type of reinforcement that is delivered only when a specific behavior occurs. In other words, the reinforcement is contingent upon the individual's response or behavior. This type of reinforcement helps to strengthen the desired behavior by providing a reward or consequence immediately after the behavior occurs.

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There are a number of benefits of operant conditioning. The most obvious one is in education. As operant conditioning is used to assist learning and the development of some behaviours, it can be used as rewards to encourage good work or punishment to discourage bad work. Another main benefit is in therapeutic work. If someone is alcoholic, for instance, then certain medications can be given that make them feel nauseous when drinking alcohol. This operant conditioning helps to discourage the behaviour of drinking alcohol.

What are examples of conditioned reinforcers?

An example of operant conditioning would be getting in trouble by your teacher for not doing your homework. This is an example of negative reinforcement because the child would be scared of the consequences. Positive reinforcement would be giving the child a gold star on their work.

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