

Best Answer

Speak to your minister/priest, and future husband to find out his views.

Answer"What scriptures should you read before you get married to learn your role in a marriage?"

I agree when marrying into religious involvement marriage counseling must be undertaken if both partners intend to be fully active in the church.

In my opinion, marriage is a partnership and our day requires couples to be intune with themselves prior to entering into marriage. Due too my genetic makeup (personality) my sexuality is overlaid with intellectualism and my preference for the logical often obscures my expressions of feelings on such matters that escapes those whom are of no romantic interest to me, my views are very private and limited to few people, an aspect of my character that no scriptural quote can change.

Therefore to quote scripture and its meaning is between the two getting married as I do not expect for my husband to be the way he is with me as he would when relating to other women and the same in return. I have different faces for different people according to their ranking in my life. My home life is private and my marriage is very private and between me and my husband, not a public spectacle to be rediculed and subjected to the opinions of outsiders..

As for scripture it states the following:

The truth relative to marriage is rather clear. However, man has often blurred the truth by his doctrines.

God is the author of marriage (a couple joined for life in a special spiritual and physical relationship). God said, "it is not good that the man should be alone�" (Gen. 2: 18). It is a common fact that man is a social being. His life is enhanced and increased by having a proper companion. God then said, "�I will make an help meet for him." The Hebrew word translated "help meet" suggests a counter-part. Some versions have the footnote, "helper comparable to him."

God made woman for man. It has been remarked that God made Eve, not Steve for Adam. The woman was created for man! (Gen. 2: 18-22, 23). The Apostle Paul later wrote, "Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man" (I Cor. 11: 9). "�Man is not of the woman," he further argues to illustrate man's headship, "but the woman of the man" (vs. 8). Man is in "the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man" (vs. 7). Since God made woman for man, she is ideally suited both emotionally, anatomically, and psychologically to meet the needs of man - all so called women's movements to the contrary notwithstanding.

The exclusivity of marriage. "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother�," God says regarding the priority of marriage (Gen. 2: 24). A son/parent relationship is wonderful and demanding, but the marriage relationship is more demanding! Marriage, as ordained by God, involves one man and one woman. Eve, not multiple women, was made for Adam (Gen. 2). "They twain (two, dm) shall be one flesh," Jesus later said (Matt. 19: 5). The play and emphasis is on the numerical "two" and "one." Marriage is monogamous and God was not pleased with polygamy, practiced subsequent to Genesis 2).

What constitutes marriage which is joined by God. Not all marriages are joined by God. Many, even of my brethren, equate marriage and bond. However, in some cases, one can be married to one and bound to another (Rom. 7: 3). Marriage does not necessarily imply there is a bond, in other words. (please read the material on "Scriptural Divorcement" and "Remarriage" found in archives). Two eligible people must have the intent of the marriage commitment. The betrothment (what we loosely call "engagement") of the Hebrew scriptures was indicative of such an intent (Ex. 22: 16). Marriage among the Jews was prearranged by parents - such declared intent.

AnswerHere is what I read: Epheisians 5:22 -33, Also colosians 3:18-21.

There are so many more Old Testiment and New. The importance is to understand the difference in roles in marriage, and the equality when the gosple is truly followed. Love and charity to each other is key, no sefishness.

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