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The north pole of Earth is tilted away from the sun from late September until late March ...
all through Autumn and Winter. The greatest tilt occurs around December 22 or 23 ... the
beginning of Winter.

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Q: What season would it be if the north of earth is tilted away from the sun?
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What season is it when your part of earth is tilted alway from the sun?

Tilted away, the nights would be longer and the days shorter. Such a time would be the winter season.

When the northern hemisphere of earth is tilted away from the sun the season will be?

It would be winter.

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It is - every winter (in the north).

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The sun is always 'facing' the earth. If the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, the season is summer, in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere.

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What season occur when earth is not tilted on its axis?

There will be no seasons. It would be inhabitably cold in the 2 poles, the equator will be tropical and it will be a "wet" season. Rest of the regions will be in an Autumn-like state.

WHICH SIDE the axis of the earth is tilted?

The Earth spins about its axis. That defines the Earth's axis. It is the axis of spin that is tilted. If the Earth were not spinning it would not have an axis.

What would be the effect on earth if the planets axis were not tilted?

There would be no four seasons if the earths axis was not tilted.